Saiyuki is the story of four anti-heroes: the monk Genjyo Sanzo (or just "Sanzo"), the monkey king Son Goku, the half-demon Sha Gojyo, and the man-turned-demon Cho Hakkai (formerly known as Cho Gonou). They have been dispatched by the Sanbutsushin (the Three Aspects of Buddha, who relay the orders of heaven) to travel to India to stop the possible resurrection of the Ox-Demon-King, Gyumaoh.
Cho Hakkai is missing....
'We miss Hakuryuu more, where is our JEEP'
Goku: Don't worry I will find the way out, Follow Me!
Sanzo: Aren't we searching for Hakkai?
Gojyo: ... ...
:iconeru-star: @ Son Goku (孫悟空)
:iconhana-bira: @ Genjo Sanzo
:iconlonehorizon: @ Sha Gojyo (沙悟浄)
Photo by
helper thanks Jack, Sandra, Kaiting
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles - Jade Country (ジェイド国) is a country of four seasons with a cold northern region, where the town of Spirit is located.
astellecia as Sakura
k-iricos as Syaoran
photo by vaxzone
Helpers thanks Nik, Kosmo, Blur, kyon + sihan
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Getai 2012
Month of Hungry Ghost Festival, along with that of a new getai season.
Treated to colourful getai, or "song stage", performances featuring veteran and new artists - from Singapore and the region - decked out in outrageous costumes, and ad-libbing hosts who deliver hilarious banter at the drop of a hat.
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